“The six best doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it,
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air,
Exercise and diet.”
- An early 1900s Nursery Rhyme
The Six Best Doctors
Chasing Influence: Transformational Coaching to Build Champions for Life
The pursuit of a healthy and good life has gone on for millennia. Even Charlie Chaplin, the famous silent picture film star, is reported to have shared his opinion on the topic, purportedly saying there are “six doctors” each of us must follow for a healthy life. In truth, the roots of this wisdom actually traces back to a nursery rhyme from the early 1900s, and Charlie Chaplin never voiced his opinion on this topic.
This nursery rhyme morphed over time and recent versions tell us the six best doctors in the world are the sun, rest, exercise, diet, self-respect, and friends. Regardless of changes and sources, this advice continues to provide value today.
Sun represents nature. Spending time in the sun and outdoors helps boost our moods, increase vitamin D levels, and promotes overall well-being. Find time to be outside a minimum of 10-15 minutes each day.
Rest is the second doctor. We need seven to nine hours of sleep to recharge both body and mind. Too little rest can elevate blood pressure, increase stress, impair our immune system, and produce bad moods!
Exercise, the third doctor, is a cornerstone for athletes, coaches, and leaders. Regular physical activity not only promotes physical health but also our mental well-being. Strive for two to three hours of exercise each week … the type where we breathe harder and sweat. And, at minimum, we should target 10,000 – 15,000 steps per day.
Diet, the fourth doctor, emphasizes the role of eating well to maintain our overall health. Eat more green and less processed foods. Consider using smaller plates and plan your meals to eat more mindfully.
Self-respect, the fifth doctor, forms the foundation of personal growth. Maintain a positive self-image with self-affirmations. Train a growth mindset by acknowledging your achievements and learning from setbacks.
Finally, our friends are the sixth doctor. We all need meaningful connections in our lives. Athletes, coaches, and leaders will thrive in environments where camaraderie and teamwork are celebrated. Make it a habit to reach out to – and celebrate – those you love and care for!
As Charlie Chaplin may or may not have said, "Life is just a journey; we must live today, for tomorrow may not be." How will you be sure to visit these best doctors?
“Nothing is forever in this world, not even our problems.”
- Charlie Chaplin
Connecting this quote to the story. The story encourages us to prioritize essentials for a healthy life, while the quote reinforces how problems are temporary, and we should all focus on the positives of our journeys.
This week’s Chasing Influence tip: Don’t give the power to impact your attitude and mood to anyone but yourself!
If you enjoyed this story, a series of three Chasing Influence workbooks is available. Stories are accompanied by discussion questions and answers. Each workbook contains 33 lessons to use with any team.
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Chasing Influence: Transformational Coaching to Build Champions for Life is available in Kindle, softcover, hardcover, and audiobook editions.
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©Troy Urdahl, 2023